Saturday, January 5, 2013

Season 2 - Episode 5


MEREDITH VOICE OVER (MVO): Pain comes in all forms. 

 The small tinge. A bit of soreness. The random pain. The normal pains we live with everyday. 

Then there’s the kind of pain you can’t ignore. 

Makes the rest of the world fade away. 

Until all we can think about is how much we hurt. 

How we manage our pain is up to us. 

 Pain. We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it. 

And for some of us the best way to manage pain is to just push through it. 

MEREDITH (loud): Seriously! (Cut to Izzie who is still lying down on George’s bed. George rolls over) 

GEORGE: This is a very small bed. 
(Meredith is now lying next to George on his other side. George is squished in the middle, still half asleep.) 

MEREDITH: He’s a brain surgeon. 

IZZIE: I look fantastic! I shaved my legs! 

MEREDITH: He’s a brain surgeon. How can he be so brainless? 
(George sighs) 

IZZIE: Hello! Seriously! 

MEREDITH: Seriously! 
(George pats Meredith’s & Izzie’s shoulders simultaneously) 

GEORGE: Ssh. Sleep. 

DR. BAILEY: Grey, your mother’s being discharged this evening. You’ve made arrangements or do you need more time? 

MEREDITH: The nursing home is coming at 8. 

DR. BAILEY (starts walking off): All right then you’re with Shepard. Derek Shepard today. 

DR. BAILEY : Hey. Life is short. Times are hard. The road is long with many a winding turn.  He asked for you. Take it up with him. 

DR. SHEPARD: Meredith. 

MEREDITH: Your wife is looking for you. 

DR. SHEPARD (sighs): This is hard for me Meredith. 

MEREDITH: Well let me make it easy then. I’m not gonna be that woman. The one who breaks up a marriage or begs you to want me. You can sign the papers or you cannot. The choice is yours. Either way when it comes to this relationship I’m out. (Dr. Shepard looks at her) Now where’s this patient I’m supposed to be helping you with. 

DR. SHEPARD (points behind him): Down here. 

MEREDITH (interrupts): Look do you need me for anything else work related? 

(Dr. Shepard nods to himself suddenly angry and annoyed.) 

DR. SHEPARD: Look I was married for 11 years. Addison is my family. That is 11 thanksgivings, 11 birthdays and 11 Christmases. And then one day I’m supposed to sign a piece of paper and end my family? A person doesn’t do that. Not without a little hesitation. I’m entitled to a little uncertainty here! At least a moment to understand the magnitude to what it means to cut somebody out of my life. I’m entitled to a least one moment  of painful doubt. And a little understanding from you would be nice. 

ALEX: So dude what’s the deal with Izzie? 

GEORGE: She shaved her legs for you. 

ALEX: And?? 

GEORGE: And you didn’t even kiss her goodnight. 

PETE: She shaved her legs for you and you didn’t follow through? 

ALEX: Hey I follow through. I always follow through. 

GEORGE : You didn’t last night. 

ALEX: Mind your own business. 

GEORGE: Mind?  She had expectations. Women have expectations. And you didn’t meet them. Hey I live with these women and every time you guys don’t meet their expectations, I have to hear about it. I didn’t get any sleep last night. So you know it is my business. 

MEREDITH: I lied. I’m not out … of this relationship. I’m in. I’m so in it’s humiliating because here I am begging… 

DR. SHEPARD : Meredith. 

MEREDITH: Shut up. You say Meredith and I yell remember? 


MEREDITH: Okay here it is. Your choice. It’s simple. (she starts getting teary and emotional) Her or me. And I’m sure she’s really great. But Derek… I love you…. in a really, really big … pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window…unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me. 

MERDETIH: I’ll be at Joe’s tonight. So if you do decide to sign the papers meet me there. 

DR. SHEPARD: Bailey. Tell me what to do.
DR. SHEPARD: God why does this have to be so hard?

DR. BAILEY: It’s not hard. It’s painful but it’s not hard. You know what to do already. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be in this much pain. 

CRISTINA: So here’s where we are. I work too much. I’m competitive. I’m always right. And I snore.

(Dr. Burke looks confused)

DR. BURKE: What?

CRISTINA: I’m trying here.

DR. BUKRE: Ohhhhh. Oh. … (realization dawns) Oh! Oh.
CRISTINA: Yeah. (she smiles)


CRISTINA: Okay. We’re a couple. Whatever. Don’t make a big deal about it.

Meredith's Voice Over: Pain. You just have to ride it out.  Hope it goes away on its own. Hope that the wound that caused it heals.

There are no solutions. No easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside.

Most of the time pain can be managed.

But sometimes the pain gets to you when you least expect it.

It’s way below the belt and doesn’t let up.

Pain. You just have to fight through because the truth is you can’t out run it. And life always make more.


1 comment:

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